Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[Response] Crooked Priests

Nancy has been pretty up to date on her scandals it seems, but this one about Priests molesting young children is just disturbing.  Nancy says, in her blog (
"I’m pretty disgusted of how all these abuses were covered up as much as fifty years and how these priests can continue to live on and practice what they pretty much soiled. Is there really anyone we know we can trust?"
 Throughout my life I have seen mockeries of Priests molesting young boys belonging to the church, whether it be from Southpark, some comedian, etc.  I have also learned about similar past incidences in history class; for example Horatio Alger, an ex-priest, molested boys at one church, was sent to a retreat for drummer boys, and then wrote books about the triumph of the poor to make it big in society and the economy.  For some reason this whole molestation situation with Alger seemed to be set aside while he set the tone with his books on American Progression.  I think a similar concept can be applied to the sexual abuse coverups and scandals of more recent times. 

It's insulting to see how many of these crimes go unchecked and many are a mystery due to the kids' unwillingness to speak out.  It's also very weird that these molesters are priests....I mean there is a certain amount of holiness and purity that comes with that type of job, and for some of them to be molesting vulnerable kids? I mean....I suppose occupations in our society are comprised of a fair number of freaks, but for the notion of "Priests molesting young boys" to become somewhat of a well known (possibly lesser believed) icon, and cynical tag of Southpark, critics of Christianity, and numerous comedians, there has to be considerable doubt pertaining to the religious  practices/community. 

I have an overwhelming feeling that these cases of abuse are being blanketed or moderated by the holiness of the church and far reaching routes into modern politics and possibly into state judicial systems.  However, the credibility of the Roman Christian faith is not to be questioned; I only hope that the perpetrators of such sick and abusive acts towards children be brought to justice, and for the kids to speak out against their abusers. 

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