Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/11 - Dirty Politics

This video is nothing new to me.  After seeing Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11, the betrayal and obviously dirty politics of the Bush Administration was all too real.  Despite Moore's extreme progressive and liberal opinions, I believed nearly everything he said, not because he was funny or it was appealing, but because it made sense.  This video is like a mini version of Moore's movie in that it gives insight into the life of the soldier, and also into the playing fields of politics and how 9/11 really served as an ideal excuse to go to war with Iraq.  Weapons of mass destruction were never found, and President Bush's jank "Coalition of the Willing" were all just lies and fabrications to collect support for the war.

The soldier makes reference to America's somewhat gut reaction to 9/11 and how it wasn't wrong, but under the control of the Bush Administration and various other government agencies, this strong national sentiment was put to use in declaring war.  It is really a shame how the soldiers' lives have served as mere pawns to the personal interests of higher government.  Like Moore pointed out in his film, "it is always the people who are forced to live in the worst conditions and the ones which have been neglected by Government support, that are the first to sign up to serve their country....all they ask is that we (Government) do not put them in harms way."  It seems like the conceited soldier on the war in Iraq is an all too common sight. 

It is also a shame to see that with such great authoritative power, the Bush administration was able to threaten all would-be conspirators and opponents of Bush's actions and prevent them from spilling vital flaws and underlying reasons for going to war.  I am just glad that Bush is out of office, as he only spelled disaster for our country.

In conclusion, its an all too common occurrence to see this type of video posted about the farces of the war and our Government.  Although I'm not set on what we should have done in the wake of 9/11, I am positive that we shouldn't have used soldiers' well being as pawns in a game of politics and greed, and also we should not have hidden so many things from the American people.

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