Wednesday, September 7, 2011


"It’s how we deal with our fear that sets us apart. Many people go through life allowing their feelings of insecurity to overcome their dreams and desires. We can go through life living in fear,but in doing so we allow our insecurities to block us from achieving our goals"
This is from Jazmine Bravo's blog (  .  This particular quote reminded me of an important scene in the movie Coach Carter.....

This famous scene sums up the progression of people through life and their effect on others in overcoming their fears and weaknesses.  After years in Middle and Elementary school, the normal fears of fitting in and of getting good grades and what not begins to somewhat fade, not completely however.  As students begin coming into high school and the realization that the remaining years of sheltered life among their family and friends and in their hometowns are limited.  Soon real life will set in and students will have to face the big questions such as, who do I want to be, and how do I want to be viewed by others.

Jazmine's exerpt and the scene from the movie can be directly compared as they both refer to shrinking in the presence of others, fearing the unknown, and overcoming obstacles with ourselves.  The line "it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us" is so true.  It isn't the fact that we HAVE fears or that the fears make us scared or insecure, its notion that fears will inhibit our ability to achieve our goals.  The resilience and attainability of our goals is the thing that most frightens us; fear is just something to overcome or channel somewhere else, away from our hopes and dreams.  

It is essential that we do not let others, or even ourselves shrink in the presence of uncomfortable situations.  Life is a game of hurdles, and if one doesn't jump, they go nowhere.  Overcoming small hurdles/problems motivates us and trains us to take on bigger problems which in the end may lead to the fulfillment of our goals.


  1. I really really enjoy your writing this blog and your other blog about 9/11 have a lot of emotion. I am for sure using this as my response post!

  2. I agree with Kelsey. It's great the way you are really diving in head-first to the writing this year and I know your work is going to shine for tons of people.

    One small technical thing: please put in a link to Jazmin's blog too, so people can quickly go check out her post from here if they want to! Thanks.
