Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[FP] Tests: stupid mistakes...on tests

I hate that feeling you get when you get back a test and you look over what you got wrong and you realize that a) you cirlced the wrong answer by accident even though you worked it out to the right answer.....b) you just forgot to fill in/circle the bubble......c) you got the concept right, but typed some equation into your calculator wrong (ex. 5x instead of 5+x).

I say this because I recently got back a math test and while i knew i did really well on it, it turns out on the last question, i typed the equation into my calculator wrong, leaving out like a + or something.  In effect, i was docked 16 points on that question alone due to the multiple parts of the question.  This left me with a C instead of an A.  Shit like this gets on my nerves, and I'm sure everyone else's.  I constantly hear people waying "i just skipped a problem and it messed the scantron up!" or "i circled the wrong bubble", or "i haaaad the right answer, but then changed it".  It's really a horrible feeling to know that had one little thing changed, you wouldn't feel so crappy.

Stupid mistakes on tests have always been a re-occurring factor in my test-taking over the years, and it sucks that even though a lot of people get the concept, their grade is drastically changed because of a few little errors that contributed to a loss of a ton of points.  But whatever, i guess our teacher's unwillingness to give us partial credit or any remorse what so ever is an attempt to teach us a lesson on how to "check our work", and "re-do" stuff, as well as the consequences of not taking their advice.

I guess this can be applied to life as well, as if we go through life thinking we know everything and not giving attention to what we are doing, we can end up in trouble as well.  To say the truth, this post is really dull to me, and i wrote it because if was pissed about my math test.  Shit happens tho, and I hope i learn from my mistakes


  1. I responded to this
    check it ouut

  2. i think u copied and pasted the wrong link
