Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[CE] Chile's 9/11...protests...difference from US

It's amazing to see how different we are from other countries around the world.  The title of the video mention's "Chile's 9/11" but the circumstances and reasons behind theirs was far different. 

Our country was attacked/targeted at our political centers: The Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the White House (?) by Saudi terrorists.  The overarching reason behind this I believe to be rooted in our country's act for forcefully getting ourselves involved in other countries' business.  However, in "Chile's 9/11", the country's own military and many people within it attacked their own "white house", ending the life and reign of their socialist leader.  This act was carried out within the country and did not involve other nations.  Why the news article above is called "Chile remembers its 9/11" is confusing to me....9/11 and Chile's overthrow of their government is completely unrelated...except for the amount of damage done....maybe not though, since now our country is subsequently involved in a seemingly perpetual war and Chile actually progressed after their political takeover. 

Anyways, its Crazy to see how country's protests compare to those of other countries as well.  The basis of our protests here seem to be civil rights, justice, and a bundle of other discrepancies.  These protests are usually peaceful and futile, and often involve people who are protesting for the wrong reasons (ex- thugs in Oscar Grant protests in Oakland?).  In countries like Chile, Russia, Iran, etc.  there seems to be a great number of violent protests.  Maybe its all that is covered by our media, but anyways their protests seem to have deeper routes and meanings, and also seem to get a lot of things done despite the consequences (especially pertaining to takeover of governments or power groups). 

This was a very odd, but enlightening video for me; maybe if the title wasn't there, I would have appreciated it a lot more...idk.  The fact that the Publisher of the video compared our 9/11 to another country's old crisis is confusing; its like we are saying "hey don't blame us for everything, look at countries like Chile, they had similar tragedies to 9/11".  Chile worries about themselves though, the US worries about everyone- which is both a good thing and a bad thing considering the goods and bads we have done in the past.  It sucks that the question of "Should America maintain its Impreialist/getting in everyone's business and claiming to have all the right answers to people's problems attitude?" will never really have a "right answer". 


  1. Oh, I think there is a right answer, an obvious one, at hand. America's imperialist nature and history as a world power has been to, almost without exception, fuel its economy and its businesses' production rates.
    It is not just, and it needs to stop.
    Of course, labeling things simply as "right and wrong" is hasty. I like your scrutiny of the comparison, because it is not really a good comparison at all.

  2. I'd like some clarification about exactly what you meant in your reference to the Oscar Grant case in Oakland. Something about protesting for the wrong reasons? I don't get it...

  3. oh for the Oscar Grant thing...i was under the impression (mostly by the news) that SOME people protesting were robbing stores, vandalizing cars and enjoying it, and treating Oscar Grant's death as more of a opportunity for rebellion and theft. I mean stealing shoes from Nike and kicking the mirrors of of random people's cars has nothing to do with, and no has hope of mediating Oscar Grant's injustice
