Monday, October 3, 2011

[FP] Fat America...what would happen if food was free?

This post is in no way expressing any liberal or communist viewpoint, but instead I am curious about the tendencies and morality of the Average American when it comes to food and ultimately their health.

Here is the question...."If food in America were to be free, as in communal (restaurants would be free despite level of quality, price, etc.) would America's obesity problem/weight go down or rise?"

 You always hear about these books and movies on how bad fast food is, and how the price of fast food (it seems that the prices aren't as cheap as they used to be) prompts the poor to buy it to save money, and sometimes because its simply the easiest way (not to mention people hooked on its taste).  BUT what would happen if healthier foods were available to these overweight, possibly lower class Americans?  Would they make the "right" choice and begin to eat a healthier, more nutritious diet?...or would they pig out?  Would America benefit from free communal food (I realize that free food is an impossibility for a whole nation of our consumptive tendencies)? 

I feel like our society marginalizes those who are obese or eat unhealthy foods regularly due to their circumstances.  Obesity really is a growing problem in America, and will only rise.  I feel that Americans are unwilling to sacrifice their own health for others, and often label each other due to their social class, occupation, and among many other things, their diets.  Im just curious about whether those who depend on low cost, fast food, or what have you, have the drive to eat better, but cannot because of the price of healthier foods, or the time and preparation needed to go to the grocery store and cook yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. I am certain that we already have the answer to this question.
    Before the time of capitalizing investors and even civilization and agriculture, everyone ate for free. The only price you paid was the time spent acquiring the food, and some people didn't even have to do that. It was a community culture. You bet your ass there weren't problems of obesity there!!!

    Obesity is prevalent mostly among lower-class people. This is because healthy food is more expensive to buy than cheap, fattening food, as you know. Fattening food also feels more filling, making people think they got more for their money.
    But, if you look at the facts, fast food has a much higher cost later on in medical expenses. In some cases, it is even more expensive than making dinner with healthy ingredients (just watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.)
    Obesity is a socioeconomic problem- it won't go away unless we revamp the whole system that created it.
