Monday, October 17, 2011

[RP] For suure

This is a response to Brenda's Post regarding her, and undoubtedly every seniors wishes and anticipatory feelings about senior year.

Seriously though, I feel the same way Brenda does.  4 years in high school, academically, seems like a butt load of material and work.  The fact that this work intrudes on all aspects of your personal life is depressing, but a seemingly important part of higher education.  Whatever I'm doing, there's always or most of the time, the thought of upcoming tests or assignments, or even college apps in my head.  Schoolwork really has become a part of my life, and on those rare occasions when I literally have nothing possibly to do for school, I sometimes blank out and waste a day either because I'm so worn out or don't react fast enough to bang out some activities with the bros.  However, socially, high school is a frikn bullet train.  Though a lot has changed, it seems that the things in your life that you are most passionate about and have a fun time being around, slip through your hands like sand as you progress through education.  I mean, I can't imagine not seeing my friends again after high school, I mean some of them are about to be across the country and only coming home for holidays and maybe an occasional summer week or something.  It's crazy how close I've become with my closest group of friends, and I know I'm gonna have to make an effort to keep in touch in person, not just over facebook.

But hell yea I know what Brenda is talking about when she says "the summer-a summer free ofsummer assignments and studying for upcoming tests, such as SATs or ridiculousand unnecessary tests on the first day of school".  I mean I haven't had an assignment-free summer since...7th grade or something im guessing?  Maybe 8th grade?  And coincidentally those have been some of my best summers in my life.  I mean these past few summers were decent but it seems like the events happened in huge bursts, followed by a few days of inactivity or limited days of fun with friends either due to sports, or other commitments including summer homework.  The feeling of having days where when you wake up, you think of what your about to do with friends or family, instead of how your going to schedual and plan out your day around your homework n stuff is the best feeling. 

This summer is going to be so sweet, and I'm trying, like a lot of other seniors, to bang out some good grades so I look good to colleges so I can stop stressin and start enjoying my hard work from highschool

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