Monday, October 17, 2011

[CE] Occupy (Oakland)

Okay I know this isn't Al Jazeera, but I hope its cool cause this movement is very relevant and could have a strong personal affect on local, hopefully national policies and progress.  I took this video off of Mr. Sutherland's most recent post.

Seeing this Occupy ____ movement is quite liberating.  A variety of people from various backgrounds, with different hopes for the movement and specific focuses, both give the activism a sense of communal quality, wholeness, and down to earth sentiments.  However, these widespread visions may also prove detrimental to compromise with the government and policy makers.  Ideally, most successful protests are set on a common objective and gain supporters through this common interest.  However, with the O.O. and other Occupy____ campaigns, there is the possibility that all of the messages (anti-corporate greed, pro green energy, etc.) are becoming inhibitors of concrete progress.  Although the various campaigns attract a wider variety of supporters, there may be some people who support one goal of the movement but not another which had been brought on as a part of the Occupy ___ movement.  Also, our government, being a bi-partisan, slow moving and nit-picking system, will not be able to meet all of these demands at once, and may be overwhelmed and maybe even doubtful of a movement of such a mix of opinions. 

I constantly refer to Michael Moore and other cynics but whatever it's cool as long as you don't take what their saying for granted...but Moore said in a film about health care (in this particular part, regarding France's success in universal health care and overall happiness) that the "Government is afraid of the people" and not the "people afraid of the governement".  He goes on to say how this promotes the success of protests and supports the frequency of protest.  This I believe to be one of the many problems of American government.  Like Sutherland's spot on joke about "how the drug dealer doesn't care about what the drug addict wants", this can partly be related to our government and how we are many times ignored unless it is of course campaign season. 

I am very aware that joining such a movement can prove costly to the attendee as well.  Corporate doesn't take to kindly the senses of union or uprising, as clearly proven by Jan and Michael from the show The Office.  Many people are taking a risk by becoming dedicated members to such a campaign, and many others are scared or hindered by their jobs or sacrifices they may need to make to join such a movement.  I say, in order to get such a large message across, as the movement does have a monumental message, its an all or nothing kinda deal.  If corporations and our government begin to see their economy hinder on the participation and uprising of these campaigns, then maybe we will have some hope in progress (liberal progress that is).  Hoping for the best though.

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